Wednesday, November 17, 2010

wednesday smattering

"If you don't like the Fortune, don't eat the Cookie."
- Anonymous

© 2010 Aquaila Associates All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

monday's muttering...

"As Marshall McLuhan said 'The Medium is the Message,' Coping with contemporary life seems more like an 8-Track tape cartridge forced upon an Ipod."

© 2010 Aquaila Associates All Rights Reserved

Friday, November 12, 2010

thursday's offer on Friday...

"While there still remains no cure for the common cold, there is a cure for the common Cold War: Globalization."

© 2010 Aquaila Associates All Rights Reserved

Friday snippet

"Don't let your Hardware get caught in your ZipDrive."

© 2010 Aquaila Associates All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tuesday skiffle

Our helmsman decided to pass on yesterday's workday tidbit... So we focus on this breaking day:

"When faced with the big decisions of life, choose the path of variety: You're asked, 'Paper or Plastic?' Answer - 'Marsupial Pouch, please.'"

© 2010 Aquaila Associates All Rights Reserved

Friday, November 5, 2010

Revving up the weekend quote...

"Late to bed, early to rise, makes a squatter never run out of park benches."

© 2010 Aquaila Associates All Rights Reserved

Thursday, November 4, 2010

preliminary Thursday...

"When Time concludes the receding Undertow of Ignorance,
Waves of Awareness will Drown Us All."

© 2010 Aquaila Associates All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wed. guest quote

Today, our esteemed associate suggested we share a quote from an all-time sports great.


"I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed.

I've failed over and over and over again in my life.

And that is why I succeed."

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tuesday skiffle

"If you're sitting on the Modern Commode of Life & the sensor flushes early to splash your backside with water, be thankful you are not the Wicked Witch of the West."

© 2010 Aquaila Associates All Rights Reserved

Monday, November 1, 2010

11/1/10 muttering

"If you can remember a Yogi Berra quote, don't use one of mine."

© 2010 Aquaila Associates All Rights Reserved

Friday, October 29, 2010

10/29/10 Blurb

"If the Sub-Prime Bubble burst in the middle of a forest.
And there was no one there to hear it blow,
Would we still have the TARP Bailout?"

© 2010 Aquaila Associates All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

10/25/10 Quote

"Observation: The Final Episode of Seinfeld was the apex of civilization; We are now slowly drowning in the dwindling dust of denouement, with many souls confusing syndicated reruns for reality."

© 2010 Aquaila Associates All Rights Reserved

10/26/10 Quote

"I'm Googled, therefore, I Am."

© 2010 Aquaila Associates All Rights Reserved

10/27/10 Quote

"While 'A Penny Saved' may well be 'A Penny Earned,' Ben Franklin might have postulated in today's economy: A Fed fiat dollar created out of thin air, leverages over 100 inflated dollars
-- which makes for great kite flying."

© 2010 Aquaila Associates All Rights Reserved

10/28/10 Quote

"When the going gets tough, the tough change URLs."

© 2010 Aquaila Associates All Rights Reserved

Welcome to Wisdom's Well

Thank you for stopping by! This is a blog that has been put together by a group of contemporaries honoring the global condition of Humankind. There are several guests who drop in from time to time, known for various opinions and fields of expertise. Feel free to chime in with your feedback. Help spread the word and share some of these words of wisdom with a friend or two.

Wishing you all of the best in your respective circles!

~Wisdom's Well

More about our principle contributor, The Honorable Kyrklynn S. Pock-McKoy M.D., Ph.D., M.B.A., Esq., in his own words:

My friends and colleagues call me K-Pok. I grew up a prodigy student in Davenport, Iowa. Childhood was boring until I got into rock n roll in the fifties, then graduated with a B.S. degree from the University of Dubuque at nine years old. I received my first advanced degree at eleven, an M.S. in Analytical Physics from The University of Chicago. I interned at Huntsville, Alabama for NASA during the Mercury Space Program while finishing up my Ph.D. in rocket-propulsion research, ultimately attained from Stanford University. I then lied about my age to enlist in the military, where I became a field medic in South Vietnam. I witnessed many civilians on the outskirts of Saigon and Buddhist monks mistreated and killed unjustly. I plunged deeper into medicine to help the Vietnamese and studied the eastern philosophies. As a way to disconnect myself from the problem, I admitted my young age and received an honorable discharge from the military.

I attended Tokyo International University, studied Buddhism and eastern medicine, then lived in a Zen Buddhist monastery for four years to help heal from my military experiences and come to peace with myself. I returned stateside to enroll in Harvard Medical School to go on to become a surgeon with a specialty in eastern medicine. I set up practice in Des Moines, Iowa and thrived in my field until President Nixon took the country off the Gold Standard in 1971. Since my partner in the practice had much invested in the fractionalized currency and monetary system and our PC was intwined in legalities and torn apart by the courts, we had to close our doors. This chapter of my life closed and I was angry and swore this would never happen again. I plunged into the study of economics, the central banking system maintained by the Federal Reserve and the legal system. I returned to Cambridge to immerse myself in the Department of Economics at Harvard University and attained an M.B.A., as well as a legal degree from Harvard Law School. For several years thereafter I worked in the field of bank regulation reform and helping to empower grassroots organizations towards developing community economic independence within Constitutional Law. I received some recognition from many colleagues in my varied fields of study.

In 1999, I was invited to bring my specific skill set to a small community of scientists in and around Antarctica. Recent years have found me on The Southern Continent, receiving the title of Envoy, shuttling around outposts in this international community, working on projects of a sensitive and classified nature, and doing my best to evade internet search engines.

So, why do I now expose myself in this public manner? After lurking for several years in the background of this creature I helped create, I feel it's time to stretch a bit and let out a few pearls of wisdom along with scant hints of what's going on behind the Wizard's Curtain...

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